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John Moody is a filmmaker, city planner and designer who aims to help people see things differently.


Photo by Shadia Ghantous

Hi, I’m John, although many people call me by my last name, Moody! I’m a creative director, urban designer, and filmmaker focused on creating places of inclusion and imagination. With an approach to change that emphasizes people’s lived experiences and collective storytelling, I’ve played a pivotal role in helping designers, organizations, and cities to find hidden power in their work and to catalyze progressive transformation in their environments. I currently serve as a Senior Consultant at Arup, a global design firm.

After leaving full-time work as a digital imaging technician on Hollywood film sets to study urban planning and design at MIT, I co-founded Invisible Cities Studio, a collaborative design practice that helped people create inclusive cities and spaces using art and storytelling. My work has won an Honor Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects, and I directed the award-winning films Redemption Square and the cerebral city. I currently live in Thai Town, Los Angeles.

➚ Resume
➚ Curriculum Vitae
➚ IMDB Credits


Let’s connect!

If you’re interested in working together or just want to say hi, drop me a line and I’ll do my best to get back to you.




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