Creative Director
ENGAGEMENTIDENTITYNARRATIVECAMPAIGNMaking Justice AccessibleIntroducing a hidden crisis into the national conversation about social justice.
Creative Director
ENGAGEMENTNARRATIVECAMPAIGNSouth Hills MasterplanEnvisioning a new center for urban vitality in greater Raleigh.
Strategist, Designer STRATEGYDESIGNCAMPAIGNNiagara Falls TransitSelling private industry on the value of a massive public amenity.
Strategist, Creative Director NARRATIVECAMPAIGN(short animation)Helping tech employees adapt to new ways of working.
Creative DirectorDESIGNNARRATIVECAMPAIGNNYC 25x25Inspiring New Yorkers to take back their streets for buses, bikes and people.
Designer NARRATIVECAMPAIGNPoetic StructureExploring curious connections in the work of a global design firm.
Co-Director NARRATIVECAMPAIGNTo See the InvisibleExpresssing a life’s worth of work to win a National Design Award.
John Moody is creative director & urban designer specializing in user research, urban strategy & place identity. Let’s connect! ~