
Hi! I’m an urban designer, strategist, and creative director with a passion for uncovering the hidden qualities of places and creating spaces of inclusion and imagination. With a master’s in city planning from MIT and a background in cinematography, I bring expertise in narrative strategy and experience design to place-based projects of all scales, helping organizations shape their environments to reflect user stories and deepen connections between people and place. The output of my work spans design strategy frameworks and resiliency masterplans to cinematic place visions and platforms for collective imagination. 

In my recent role as a Senior Designer and Creative Director at Arup, I led design teams and narrative strategy on several resiliency and sustainable transportation plans throughout North America and co-founded an internal studio that provides visual storytelling, placemaking, and wayfinding services in client projects. I also helped project teams across multiple disciplines to better understand stakeholder needs, simplify complexity, and develop user-centered design solutions.

Previously, I co-founded and ran a Los Angeles-based practice called Invisible Cities Studio, which helped organizations use immersive storytelling to shape public perception, win work and recognition, and strengthen the social impact of their projects. Some of our work won awards, including an Honor Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects. 

If you want to work together or just say hi, feel free to reach out!
John Moody is an urban designer & strategist specializing in experience design, creative placemaking & visual storytelling. Let’s connect!  ~