WXY Studio & Transportation Alternatives

NYC 25x25

Inspiring New Yorkers to take back their streets for buses, bikes and people.


New York City streets make up its largest public space, but more than 75% of that space is devoted to the private automobile—despite the vast majority of New Yorkers not owning a car or driving to work. In 2021, Transportation Alternatives (TA) launched a campaign to convert a quarter of these streets into spaces for pedestrians, bikes, and buses by 2025. At the center of the launch: an animation to get New Yorkers fired up streets that work for people, not just cars.

I led conceptualization for the animation, pushing for a simple overarching concept that could quickly immerse New Yorkers into a new world and help audiences believe that what they’re seeing is real. I also explored narrative and animation concepts through script outlines, thumbnails, and moodboards.

TA and WXY were blown away by my explorations, which paved the way for director Ege Soyuer and his team of designers/animators to bring the vision to life.

Activities concept development
narrative strategy
sourcing talent

TeamDavid Vega-Barachowitz, Katie Lorah
ClientTransportation Alternatives (TA), WXY Studio


LocationNew York, New York

StudioArup Cities, Planning & Design
Storyboard Samples
Mood Boards

Final Video

Directed by @egetron
Design by @vanderyacht @jamesnoellert
Animation by @dantezaballa @davidjrockart @petercobo @area_man_sells_out @wakrsylbe @egetron
Music/SFX by @sounds_like_ambrose
John Moody is creative director & urban designer specializing in user research, urban strategy & place identity. Let’s connect!  ~